Sustain Wood Preservative
With sustain wood preservative, the foundations of your buildings can be secure and durable. With its natural color, sustain wood preservative is the up-and-coming preservative to use for wood. It allows for a decreasingly slower corrosion rate and provides a sustainable foundation. By treating lumber with this preservative, the wood transforms into a more natural appearance. You will not have to worry about your foundations looking obnoxious or distasteful.
Also, the sustain wood preservative allows for a more versatile use. With the preservative, the wood can be used for interior and exterior above ground, ground contact, and fresh water immersion. So no matter where you are planning on starting your build, sustain wood preservative is highly useful.
Ask our knowledgeable staff about sustain wood preservative and receive only the best advice. With no pressure or haggling, our staff will assist you in buying the perfect preservative for your next build. By offering our advice, we consider you a part of the Flameproof Companies family and will continue to assist and answer any questions regarding lumber. Our staff will work with you through the buying process and tend to your needs.
Don’t hesitate! For answers to your questions or to learn more about Flameproof Companies, call us at (866) 884-7591.